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Lautenstücke aus der Renaissance: England

Reif, Werner

Lautenstücke aus der Renaissance: England

bearbeitet für Gitarre
Besetzung: Gitarre

Mit Werken von John Dowland, Robert Johnson, Thomas Robinson, Francis Cutting, Francis Pilkington und
Anthony Holborne

Format: 23 x 30 cm
Seiten: 44
Art. Nr.: D 900
ISBN: 978-3-86849-011-4
ISMN: 979-0-50017-379-3
John Dowland - A Coy Joy
A Galliard
Robert Johnson - A Galliard
Thomas Robinson - A Gigue
Francis Cutting - A Jig
Anonym - A Toy
Jane Pickering's Lute Book - A Toy
Robert Johnson - Alman VII
Thomas Robinson - Bonny Sweet Robin
John Dowland - Come Away (Come Again)
Francis Pilkington - Corranta For Mme Murcott
Francis Cutting - Cutting's Comfort
Anonymus - Dargesson
John Dowland - Fantasia No. 7
Fortune My Foe
Anthony Holborne - Galliard
Francis Cutting - Galliard
Anthony Holborne - Heigh To Holiday
Thomas Robinson - Merry Melancholy
Francis Pilkington - Mrs Anne Harcourt's Galliard
John Dowland - Mrs White's Nothing
Mrs White's Thing
Francis Pilkington - Mr T Wagstaff's Content Of Desier
Anthony Holborne - Pavan, Last Will And Testament
John Dowland - Preludium
Thomas Robinson - Robin Is To The Greenwood Gone
Robinson's May
John Dowland - Suzanna Galliard
Thomas Robinson - The Queen's Gigue
John Dowland - The Right Honourable Robert, Earl Of Essex, His Galliard
The Right Honourable The Lady Rich, Her Galliard
Anonym - The Hunt Is Up
What If A Day