5 Steps to Music

Track 1: Welcome - Swing

Track 2: Welcome

Track 3: Thoughtful

Track 4: Powerbreak

Track 5: Slow Rock

Track 6: 4 On The Floor

Track 7: Daybreak - Primo

Track 8: Daybreak - Secondo

Track 9: Daybreak

Track 10: The Clown - Impro Playalong

Track 11: The Clown - Impro Call & Response

Track 12: The Clown

Track 13: Robot Dance

Track 14: Lightsome

Track 15: Car Horn Samba - Impro Playalong

Track 16: Car Horn Samba - Impro Call & Response

Track 17: Car Horn Samba

Track 18: Blues 4 2 - Primo

Track 19: Blues 4 2 - Secondo

Track 20: Blues 4 2

Track 21: Blues 4 2 - Impro Playalong

Track 22: Boogie! - Impro Playalong

Track 23: Boogie! - Impro Swing Playalong

Track 24: Boogie!

Track 25: Boogie! - Swing

Track 26: Switch - Impro Playalong

Track 27: Switch - Impro Call & Response

Track 28: Switch - Impro Swing Playalong

Track 29: Switch - Impro Swing Call & Response

Track 30: Switch

Track 31: Groove Toccatina

Track 32: Lasting Peace - Primo

Track 33: Lasting Peace Secondo

Track 34: Lasting Peace